Salam Semua...
Errkkk hye.. hehehehe... dah midnite dah pun... tp still xboleh tito.. eemm cam taw2 je sok ak cuti.. uwaaahhhh.. hahahahaa...
Act, ak br selesai tgk Parodi Listen..Listen.. Listen.. by MatLuthfi.. (cite dah berzaman br taw...) hahahahaa... likeee okey.. like byk2xx.. hehehehe.. tp kalo kowang nk tgk original vid sila la tgk kat youtube hik3xx.. nie ak share only the parodi... ngeee..
Mooohhhh la kite tgk... ngee...
Hurrmmm meh ak nk comment cikit... Muaahahahaha...
Act... if we look at a bright sight... the main important is... optimist.. accept opinion from others and remove negative thinking... if good we can accept it... Iye la... we cannot pleased everyone.. but... xde masalah kan kalo kita implement positive thinking in our heart.. :)
Sometime experience and knowledge yang mematangkan kita.. if we are not sure of something.. learn... as we know learning is never ending process.... heee....
That is the art of life~
P/S: Empat perkara yg ak slalu buat bile dalam keadaan buntu...
1) Keep quite
2) Tarik nafas panjang2 & berisghtifar..
3) Pikir balik pro n con...
4) Make decision
(Dah pilih tue.. kalo salah langkah bedal je la... xkn nk patah blk.. hahahahaa :P)
Macam biasa bila kita buat kesilapan br kita belajar perkara tu...
and at da same time we learn to appreciated it....~
Okies itu aje dadaaa....